Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Reflection on our marble lab

  • Does the marble accelerate (does it change speed or direction)?
  • Does the mass of the marble effect how it moves?
  • Do balls of different masses act differently as they roll?
  • When given a force what happens to its motion?

  • Straw
  • Marble or ball
  • Pencil
  • Tape
  • Notebook
  • Flat surface  

My Observations: My observations are that the more mass the marble has the harder it is to blow and also if its heavier or bigger it might be harder to move. I also saw that the more mass the ball has the heavier it will be therefor it will have a bigger impact and push the lighter ball to the direction it headed.

 Conclusion: As you can see this was a fun and interesting unit and i learned a lot.

Answers to questions:
  1. Yes it does accelerate and it moves only if the surface is not flat.
  2. Yes the more mass it will be slower. For Ex: The tennis ball was harder to move then the ping pong ball because of its mass and size.
  3. It depends on the surface and on the size and mass. Some were able to go straight but some curved to the side.
  4. The more force the faster the ball will travel.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Reflection on our unit

Our last unit was fairly fun and interesting. Our unit was about: Rocks, Minerals, Caves, Volcanoes etc. I learned a lot abut minerals for Ex: There are a lot of types of minerals. Minerals are mostly used for:jewlary, technology, cars etc. Minerals form from Volcanos. When the Volcanos erupt after a few hours the lava cools which forms rocks, minerals or minerals in rocks. They can also form by inorganic proceses. You measure the minerals hardness by a scale called the Mohs Scale. 

I also learned About volcanos a fair amount Ex: There are 3 types of volcanos: Cone, Shiled and Stratvolcano  and also the Biggest Eruption was Mount St. Helens.

I almost forgot about the rock cycle: There are 3 types of rock: Metamorfic rocks, Sedamentary rocks and Igneous rocks.

Before i finish this post I would like to point one thing and that is The Earths Structure . There are 3 main layers of the Earth called: Crust,Mantle,Core but there are also some minor diffrences like there is the inner and outer core and the is a mantle and lower mantile. The crust is the outer layer of Earth where we: walk on drive on etc. The matile is the middle layer and it is solid but some of it is liquid. and last but not least we have the core. It is the most hottest layer in the Earth which is 3500°C.

So as you can see our unit was very fun and i enjoyed it and i learned alot.

Thanks for reading my blog posts have a nice day and c u in school

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

From Feet to Fathoms

Guiding Question: What is the impotence of having an International measuring system? How accurate are the old measurements using body parts?

Hypothesis: At the begging of this lab I thought that all of the old measurements would not be even close to the new ones.

Materials: The materials that my group needed where: Notebook, Pencil/Pen, Bodies, Ruler

Procedure and Record & Analyze :The procedure in my group was that we first make a table in our notebook then we wrote: Object,Measurement,1,2,3,Average and Actual. Now for Object we would write the object Ex: Whiteboard,Peep etc then we wrote the Measurements Ex: Fathom, Inch, Centimeter, Hand(palm) etc
the next thing we did was we choose 1 measurement that would be appropriate for the object because who would measure the hallway with inches. We measured 3 times when we got to the Average what we did there is we took a calculator and added the 3 numbers and then divided by 2 to get our result. For the actual we used a ruler to measure the object and see if our estimation was close.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Earths Inner Secrets

KWL: What i know and what i want to learn about Force and Motion

Today in class we started a knew interesting unit about forces and motion. We watched a few videos of forces and motion. One of them was a video of Towny Hawk preforming some sick stunts and some bikers in a metal ball (I will post the videos as links at the end of the post). So lets get to the point. I know little about forces and motion; all I know is that anything that moves is motion and all I know about force is that gravity is a type of force. Using the force, gravity keeps everything on Earth. I would like to learn how forces and motion are smiler and different and how it impacts are everyday life.
Here are the videos hope you check them out!!!!!!!!
The Bike Metal Ball Of DOOM
Tawny Hawks incredible jump
SEE YOU AT SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mineral Deposits continued....

Today at school we were discussing  our views on mining of mineral deposits in the sea. I was talking to Irina and Miona and I found out that our views are the same on this topic. We all agreed that countries should only mine the sea that is defined as theirs by the Law of the Sea. We also agreed that all countries in the World should share in the profits from mining. We all then talked to everyone else in class. We were trying to figure out if there is something else we should know about this but we didn't find out anything new.

It was nice to see that I was not alone in my believes on this matter. Thank you Ladies.