Monday, May 16, 2011

Reflection on our marble lab

  • Does the marble accelerate (does it change speed or direction)?
  • Does the mass of the marble effect how it moves?
  • Do balls of different masses act differently as they roll?
  • When given a force what happens to its motion?

  • Straw
  • Marble or ball
  • Pencil
  • Tape
  • Notebook
  • Flat surface  

My Observations: My observations are that the more mass the marble has the harder it is to blow and also if its heavier or bigger it might be harder to move. I also saw that the more mass the ball has the heavier it will be therefor it will have a bigger impact and push the lighter ball to the direction it headed.

 Conclusion: As you can see this was a fun and interesting unit and i learned a lot.

Answers to questions:
  1. Yes it does accelerate and it moves only if the surface is not flat.
  2. Yes the more mass it will be slower. For Ex: The tennis ball was harder to move then the ping pong ball because of its mass and size.
  3. It depends on the surface and on the size and mass. Some were able to go straight but some curved to the side.
  4. The more force the faster the ball will travel.

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